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Senin, 29 Maret 2010

How to Make Brown's Gas

How to make Brown's gas is a question asked by many who want to use this knowledge for good rather than evil. And, by evil, I mean to blow things up. Because, as you already must know, Brown's gas is both flammable and combustible.

Brown's Gas Plans
Popular do-it-yourself Brown's Gas Generator Plans Helps Save Fuel and Cut Out Emissions.

How to Make Brown's Gas

So, my assumption is that you are coming to this website looking for information on how to make Brown's gas so that you can use this for your car. Yes, filling up a balloon full of Brown's gas is fine to impress your friends.

But, you know what will impress them more? When you tell them that you are making Brown's gas in your car on demand and it is increasing your gas mileage significantly and decreasing your tailpipe emissions.

Since green is the new red, as in red hot, is popular to be doing everything you can to go green right now. This means making Brown's gas in your automobile, saving money and saving the environment at the same time.

Well, if you want to know the cliff note version on how to make Brown's gas, all your need is aluminum, water and drain cleaner. But, here is your mandatory cautionary note: Be very careful with this concoction because as I have already stated it is flammable and combustible. I don't want to give too many details because of the wackos looking to misuse the substance.

There are dozens of Youtube videos on how to make Brown's gas that show people blowing up stuff. This is not child's play. Making Brown's gas is serious business. Now, if you'd like to know how to make Brown's gas for automotive purposes read on.

Most people who make Brown's gas for their cars do so by electrolyzing water and injecting the resulting Brown's gas into their vehicle's intake system. Many Brown's gas eBooks are available online (including the ones' advertised on this site) that will give you specifics on how to do this.

The big picture is that you must have a container for the water, some electrolyte such as baking soda or KOH (lye) and an electrical charge that splits the water into Brown's gas. The electrical charge will most likely come from your alternator and travel to an anode and cathode in the container.

Once Brown's gas is created on demand, it must be ported into the vehicle's intake system. From there Brown's gas will help your gasoline or diesel fuel burn more cleanly and completely offering better mileage and lower emissions.

Remember to wear gloves when mixing the electrolyte and check for leaks after installing the Brown's gas generator. Also, place the generator in the coolest place possible under the hood to help avoid in overheating.

Knowing how to make Brown's gas come with responsibilities to yourself and others. Handle it with care and it will pay you back both financially and environmentally.

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What is Brown's Gas

The chemical name of Brown's Gas is oxyhydrogen. Brown's Gas is thought to increase the car efficiency in which it is formed by the process of water electrolysis. It does not mean that the car will run purely on HHO but rather it is the hybrid of HHO and petroleum based fuel, which will provide sufficient energy for running the car. Brown's Gas is known to increase the efficiency of car by 30 to 60 percent.

Chemically HHO is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, in the atomic ratio of two is to one. As you can see this is in the same proportion as that of water. Combustion is a process by which a substance burns to produce heat energy and it is brought about when a substance is heated to its auto ignition temperature. This temperature is defined to be the minimum temperature at which the substance will ignite spontaneously in a normal atmosphere without the help of an external source such as a spark or flame. For Brown's Gas, the auto ignition temperature is 1065 F and the minimum energy required for its ignition with an external source is 20 Micro joules. Once ignited, HHO converts into water vapors and releases energy, which automatically sustains the reaction.

A common application of Brown's Gas is in torches for the processing of refractory materials. Many forms of Brown's Gas lamps are available such as limelights, which are used in the heating of lime. Brown's Gas does have an explosive nature and hence limelight lamps have largely been replaced by electric lighting.

Several manuals are available online which provide precise instructions on how you can make your own HHO kits so as to install them into your car or truck. In context of cars, HHO is also referred to as Brown gas.

Water is usually stored under the hood of the car and it is ignited by the spark from the battery of the car. This starts the electrolysis of water as a result of which it is converted into HHO or Brown gas. The engine vacuum sucks this gas into the intake manifold, once it has been introduced into the airflow. It is this Brown gas, which when mixed with gasoline provides a better gas mileage.

Making your own HHO kits is really simple and does not require any extensive knowledge of your car or the chemistry involved behind its production.

To find out more about using water to run your car and get a free question and answer report please visit

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